From recycling to pollution-free solutions. Recyclable materials vs. EcoCompatible biodegradable materials

From recycling to pollution-free solutions. Recyclable materials vs. EcoCompatible biodegradable materials

Nowadays, it’s trendy to join the production of recyclable materials. Industries are creating everything from trash bags to environmentally friendly toothbrushes. It seems that just slapping the recycling symbol on final products makes them a real solution to the serious problem of pollution caused by traditional plastics, but it’s not that simple.

That’s why in this article, we’ll explore the main differences between recyclable materials vs. EcoCompatible biodegradable materials. Keep reading to discover why it’s important to differentiate between them!

Is recycling the same as reusing?

Firstly, we must clarify that a recyclable material is not the same as a reusable one. A recyclable material can be used again after its primary use, going through a process or treatment that transforms it into new materials for a new purpose. In contrast, the main idea behind a reused material is to extend its life or provide a new way to use it, directly converting it into a new product. For example, using a mayonnaise glass jar to store other things.

Recycling and reusing are two complementary actions that contribute to protecting the environment. Recycling reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, while reusing helps prolong the lifespan of products.

The idea of only carrying out these two steps seems wonderful for making the environmental change we need. However, there are many problems surrounding these processes. For instance, many products are made with a variety of plastics that, due to their composition, do not allow for recycling. Another significant issue is the lack of infrastructure and trained personnel for the collection, separation, and treatment of materials by city waste collection systems.

That’s why at Green Team®, we developed alternatives to create biodegradable and EcoCompatible materials that replace plastic, offering all its benefits without replicating its significant problem: pollution upon disposal.

What does EcoCompatible biodegradable materials mean?

Biodegradability refers to the ability of an organic substance or material to decompose through biological action. Many supposedly environmentally friendly materials are biodegradable, but only after 200, 500, or a thousand years! So, although they have certain advantages over traditional plastics, they still cause pollution. Other products, like plastic bottles and packaging, are not biodegradable at all. Either way, both materials cause significant pollution problems by accumulating, dirtying soil and water, and releasing microplastics.

At Green Team®, we went a step further, creating technology to manufacture biodegradable materials and products in a very short time without leaving microplastics or toxic residues.

What else do we need for a material to be EcoCompatible biodegradable?

We must add that it should be compostable—meaning it should be a material that decomposes by 90% within six months and, once discarded, becomes a useful material for the environment.

With these two characteristics, biodegradable and compostable, your production will genuinely be adding eco-friendly actions to the planet.

So, is it important to include EcoCompatible biodegradable materials in my team?

Absolutely! Although recycling is often touted as the solution to all pollution problems, if you are truly committed to offering consumers products that are a real solution to plastic pollution, you should provide EcoCompatible biodegradable materials.

At Green Team®, we have the ideal materials. With Biovitalio®, Policanoico®, and Polivitalio®, your industry can continue to produce and make a positive change on the planet. They are a truly sustainable option—you can be sure that, regardless of your product’s outcome, it won’t generate microplastics or cause disruptions in the sea, land, rivers, or the habitat of people, flora, and animals.

Join a truly EcoCompatible team with materials that are a real option for your industry.

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