The First Biodegradable Shrink Film in Mexico, Biodegrading as Fast as an Orange Peel

The First Biodegradable Shrink Film in Mexico, Biodegrading as Fast as an Orange Peel

Mexico is the sixth-largest waste producer in the world. According to SEMARNAT (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources), less than 2% of plastic is recycled in Mexico.

bax® shrink film holds the most renowned Compost certification in the world, awarded by DIN-CERTCO Germany, with registration number 7P0910, in compliance with the European standard EN-13432, which defines the characteristics a material must possess to be defined as biodegradable or compostable.

bax® shrink film is the first packaging made from Polivitalio®

a material that has undergone studies proving biodegradation in the same time frame as an orange peel. But how long is this time, and under what conditions does it occur?

To understand this, we must remember that biodegradation is a chemical process in which microorganisms break down and convert a material into carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH3), biomass (such as bacterial population growth), water, and mineral salts.

talking about biodegradation

When talking about biodegradation, it’s important to know how long it takes and under what conditions. A study conducted by the University of Pisa and the Wageningen University & Research Center in Gelderland, the Netherlands, confirmed the biodegradation of bax® shrink film in the presence of organic waste in a maximum of 22 days. These conditions and this time frame are the same in which an orange peel biodegrades, meaning it is broken down and converted by microorganisms into carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH3), water, and mineral salts, reintegrating into the soil.

The time it takes for bax® shrink film to biodegrade is, so far, unbeatable. This biodegradation time is due to its eco-design since bax® shrink film is made from acetic acid—commonly known as apple cider vinegar—which makes it part of the Non-Acetate Polyvinyl Alcohol family. This is why it biodegrades much faster than any other conventional plastic derived from petroleum or bioplastic from nature. It also solves the problem of microplastics, which both conventional and biodegradable plastics leave in the environment even after being composted or biodegraded at home or industrially, a serious problem that affects not only the environment but also animals and humans due to its presence in all natural cycles.

The lifespan of packaging is quite short, as it is intended to be discarded as soon as it fulfills its purpose of safely transporting the product from production to final consumption. This is why bax® shrink film is a real solution to the consumption habits and pace of the contemporary world, without causing environmental problems at any stage of its lifecycle, from production to disposal.

bax® shrink film perfectly aligns with the new national and international frameworks of Extended Responsibility and Circular Economy that companies are now working to address, even without compromising the safety and hygiene of their supply chain.

bax® shrink film is marketed and tailored by Green Team México®, available here.

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