We present to you 10 biodegradable products that help mitigate climate change

Did you know that humans have been responsible for pollution on the planet for over 200 years? That’s why, in this article, we present 10 biodegradable products with which, from your home, industry, or business, you can contribute to improving the world we live in.
A couple of months ago, we celebrated International Climate Change Day (October 24), a time to reflect on the serious problems society faces due to the different changes the planet has undergone due to pollution. This commemoration invites us to be creative and responsible because, just as we have spent centuries polluting the planet, more and more people join every day who want to help curb climate change.
At Green Team®, we are part of that group, and for over two decades, we have been working to introduce unique solutions to the market: biodegradable products, 100% EcoCompatible, that are a real alternative to reduce plastic pollution. Come on, it’s time to join in!
How to help from home?
NL® Laundry Detergent Sheets
With our biodegradable detergent, you’ll avoid contaminating soil and water, as its decomposition in these environments is friendly and free of microplastics or toxic residues! Plus, with its hypoallergenic formula, you won’t suffer from any allergic reactions, and its patented nanotechnology guarantees deep cleaning and disinfection.
Bax® T-shirts
Ideal bags for replacing traditional plastic bags in your supermarket shopping, which can take up to 600 years to decompose. They are also four times stronger than plastic bags, compostable at home, and, if discarded, will biodegrade completely in no time. For these reasons and more, our bags offer you the opportunity to help the planet.
These biodegradable dog waste bags are unique in the market: they are made with plastic-free technology, extra-strong, and internationally certified compostable. Make sure your walks with your best friend don’t harm the environment!
How to help from your business?
4. Bax® Boutique
Designed for clothing and accessories, these bags are made with Polivitalio®, a water-soluble material that, when decomposed, is 100% free of microplastics and is also compostable. Replace traditional plastic with Bax® Boutique in your products to continue providing quality and style to your customers without contaminating.
Cups and Products Coated with Biovitalio®
Our revolutionary material can be in direct contact with the food and drinks you sell, maintaining their temperature, ensuring waterproofing and zero leakage, and offering your consumers the certainty of using a disposable item that is truly environmentally friendly.
Trays for Food made with Biovitalio®
Made with our innovative Biopapel coated with Biovitalio®, they are ideal for replacing traditional plastic trays. In addition to not polluting and being biodegradable and compostable in a short time, they are safe for food, as they do not migrate materials, and can be used in conventional ovens, microwaves, and refrigerators.
Bax® Trash Bags
Use them in your business and see how they disappear in organic waste! They are also water-soluble and four times stronger than plastic, with international standards to guarantee that they do not pollute or leave microplastics.
How to help from the production and/or agricultural industry?
8. Biovitalio® Aqueous Colloid
Mainly developed for coating paper used in food-grade packaging, it is the option for producing products without polluting the planet. This authentic plastic substitute is 100% biodegradable and compostable, making it a great choice for your industry!
Granules (resin/pellets) made from Policanoico®
This biodegradable and compostable material that leaves no microplastics when disposed of and decomposed is the right ingredient for injection systems. By replacing traditional plastic, your industry can manufacture the same products with the guarantee of being EcoCompatible.
Shrink Film made from Polivitalio®
We offer you a solution to forever leave behind conventional plastic shrink rolls. This film dissolves in water at different controlled temperatures, leaving no trace of toxic residues or plastics. Therefore, it is a versatile solution for your industry.
Green Team®’s biodegradable products are a way to reduce our environmental impact by being made from materials that can naturally decompose in a short time and in different environments. This helps reduce the amount of plastic waste ending up in landfills, soil, and seas.
Explore all our biodegradable products, and remember that every small change can make a difference!
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